Alas school is back in session, and it was a strange feeling being a returning grad and not having all my friends at school with me.
I didn't wear anything special, for I commit fashion sin by not wearing new clothes on the first day of school. It's silly, but everybody does it and they always look like they're trying too hard.
Good- My friend Lauren looked absolutely divine in a slate sleeveless American Apparel hoodie over a white shirt with one of her signature bead necklaces [unfortunately I can't remember the colour of the necklace. Green?]

*note this is actually the forest colour as the slate grey one was not there.
-A girl in my Writer's Craft class sporting wide-leg trousers that, from what I saw, did not swallow up her feet. Bravo!
Bad- A girl in high-waisted skinny jeans. And I mean
high, higher than her belly button. She looked so trendy it physically hurt me. Gaaaaah.
- An emo boy that had the exact same haircut as my mom. My mom, sisters and I got our haircuts on Saturday (I got wispy bangs à la Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation), and my mom's haircut is actually quite cool. Sort of like Victoria Beckham's new 'do but with bangs and two long pieces of hair on both sides of her face. My mom definitely pulls the style off better than this boy.
Ugly-There is this boy at our school that wears jeans that are two tight [especially around the ankles] and shirts with David Bowie, or sarcastic/ironic statements on them. David Bowie is cool, a shirt that says "I'm a poser" is not. Partly because most people wouldn't get it, and the fact that he couldn't pull it off.