Saturday, January 31, 2009

Under where underwear

I'm developing a love for fancy lingerie. Never underestimate the powers of a nice pair of lace panties. 
It's a nice secret to have to yourself. Or between you and your significant other...

Friday, January 30, 2009

In the cold cold night.

Do you remember how I left my winter coat in my dorm room at school [because it was 20 degrees in Toronto in the beginning of November]. No? Well I've been wearing my mom's old Hudson's Bay Company coat ever since the weather turned into the single digits. 

I would have posted pictures sooner, these were kindly taken by my boyfriend in late November [at the moment the snow is pretty much knee deep where this picture was taken], but I just discovered a camera cord in my house. 
My mom isn't exactly sure when she got this coat, but she suspects it was either the late 70s or early 80s which is kind of perfect for me. The fur around the hood may also be real wolf, and although I avoid wearing real fur whenever possible, I was kind of desperate. Plus it's not like I'm buying it new or anything. 

And since this is actually much warmer than my other winter coat, I think I'll continue wearing it. I just love it so.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hair cut

I love getting my hair cut. Hair salons always smell really nice, and they give such lovely head massages when they wash your hair. 

So this is what my hair looked like going in: 

I asked for this: 
And I ended up with this:
Not that I'm complaining. 

I would really like to see how it looks when my hair goes curly. It will probably look more like the picture above. 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses

I was reading Smitten today, and there was an article about having a signature scent. I have some perfume including Very Irresistible by Givenchy. 
[Love the hat by the way] 

However, I don't really wear them. There's a plethora of reasons: 
1. I'm lazy
2. I'm afraid of wearing far too much
3. I want to save it for special occasions
4. I forget I have it

Since I've had the three I have for a few years now, I figure I should invest in something new, which I will actually wear. 

Something clean, not too floral and not too strong. 

Like Daisy by Marc Jacobs

Or go for classic Chanel No. 5
Or is that to old. From what I can remember it smelled great and that's all that matters. 

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bring it on 2009

2009 should be a year of new beginnings in a way for me. I need a reboot or a restart and that could probably translate to everybody. 

I'm going to start the year off then with a list of trends that I wish would slowly disappear to only the truly stylish and unique.

1. Obnoxious faux glasses

As a person who needs glasses and knows their expense and how difficult it is to find a pair that flatters the face, I can say how annoying as hell it is to see people wearing huge, cheap plastic frames for absolutely no reason. Especially the silly looking Ray-Ban Buddy Holly glasses that make any wearers nose look freaking huge while simultaneously making their eyes incredibly tiny. 

2. Neon/nu-rave

Neon is not a flattering colour on everyone. Sometimes it can be used to an okay effect, but unfortunately most overuse neon. I'm sure the above picture is from some theme party, but if I saw a guy wear the above shirt I think I would walk the other way. Neon guarantees hipster douche-bag. 

3. Faux vintage

The thing with this t-shirt specifically is that The Stooges broke up in 1974. Therefore anyone who buys this t-shirt were most likely not alive at any point when The Stooges were originally together. And I have a feeling that a real Stooges fan would not deign to buying a fake vintage shirt from Urban Outfitters. It would be much cooler to make your own. 

This shirt I'm putting in the "Faux Vintage" category, but it also fits in with people making pseudo political statements in t-shirt form. I'm all for peace and stopping wars that aren't really going anywhere/hurting innocent people, but it's lame to simply buy a t-shirt and do nothing else. The money in buying this shirt [which was originally $28] doesn't appear to fund any kind of charity, unless Urban Outfitters can be considered a 'charity'. I say cut out the non-existent middle man and donate that money to an actual charity instead of buying a t-shirt to make you feel good about yourself. 

4. California Beach Bum
A look popularized by the model Erin Wasson. I've never been to California, and I bet it's hot, but I'm sure their are more creative ways to beat the heat than barely there tank tops and cut-offs. Canada can have it's hot moments too. However when people adopt this look year round it's kind of dull. Not to mention Erin Wasson [who is a smoker] kind of looks like a crack addict. 

What would you like to see float away into the ether of time? Leggings, Uggs what have you. I'd like to know.