I am pretty familiar with fake mustaches as witnessed by my Tom Selleck looking one here. [Yes, it was a mustache party]

But I found it to look silly as a piece of jewelry. They're only charming when you can put it up to your face [which I bet loses its novelty rather quickly] and for the rest of the time it just sits there. It's almost as bad as those stupid mustache finger tattoos, although a necklace would be far cheaper and less permanent.

If you want a necklace with a practical purpose. [I'm a Taurus, I'm miss practical] I would suggest this harmonica one if you want to bust out a tune. [My boyfriend would love this]

Or a pocket-watch necklace if you lack a wrist watch like I do.
I liked the idea of mustache necklace at first, but after seeing it in person I wouldn't bother with it.
I think that mustache tattoo is kind of cool! I wouldn't get one of course, but it still entertains me.
Oh yes, and it is pretty neat that you are from Kingston! I'm actually from, ummm, Belleville (shhh, don't tell) but go to University of Waterloo.
I think when it comes to the mustache tattoo one needs a whole lot of personality like Jonah Hill for example. But it can easily end up on a more immature, goofy end of the spectrum. To each his own I suppose.
Thanks, I kind of love Kingston, but like most places there isn't a whole lot to do here. I don't go to Belleville very often, but my bus home from Toronto inexplicably stopped at the Belleville bus station, and from what I saw it seems like a nice place. It was at night though which usually makes places look prettier. *shrug*
What's the University of Waterloo like? I haven't really travelled much across Canada which is kind of sad...
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