I know that some people are dreading the end of summer. Although I love autumn, I admit that I'm not looking forward to not being able to take a nice walk around my new neighbourhood.
But there are reasons to look forward to the slow drop in temperature.
a) You don't have to shave your legs as often.
I tend to toe the line between feminine and tomboyish dressing. I love dresses but I also have surmised that my leg hair douses itself in Miracle-Gro when I'm not looking. When the air gets cooler, I can throw on tights without sweating myself into an oblivion.
b) Cute sweaters.
I've always been of the opinion that the less skin you show the more sexy you look. At least of myself in general. It's a talent to look hot while wearing a turtleneck. I mean just look at Marilyn Monroe, granted she did show off the goods a lot, she could still rock sweater puppies like no other.
c) No more flip-flops/sandals.
I don't like flip flops. They break easily, cause annoying blisters, and produce weird tan lines. In their stead I wear sandals, but they have buckles and are annoying to get on and off. I'm excited for closed toe shoes and boots. Not that I don't wear them already, it's just necessary when it gets colder.
d) Odds and ends: scarves, hats, gloves and jackets.
I love to spice up outfits with these, and like closed toe shoes, they're a necessity.
C'mon, admit it. Autumn rocks.
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