Now personally, I'm cursed when it comes to sunglasses. They break, or I lose quite quickly after getting them so I've gone through several pairs in my short life. At the moment I have a pair of black, square-rimmed sunglasses that you see on many celebrities, but I also wear glasses so it makes wearing sunglasses a tad difficult because it's nice to be able to see.
Nonetheless I'm still coveting a pair of aviators à la Kate Moss or Angelina Jolie

See? Stunning.
My friend, Lauren, is also in search of some sunglasses, and she's under the similar affliction of not being able to find ones that suit her face. The best part is she's looking for a style I believe she refers too as "old lady sunglasses", which sounds weird, but are absolutely amazing.
I found some examples on ModCloth and other places:

Cool eh?