Anyway, the point of this post, is that I need to air a fashion pet peeve of mine, which is the overprocessed hair-do.
Along the lines of this:
Or perhaps this:
I'm sure you guys know what I mean. The shiny, ringlet-y mass of hair that gets piled on top of the heads of girls at proms and formals across the continent.
It's hard to say why this hairstyle bothers me so much. I suppose it's just how unnatural it looks, and the sheer amount of ozone depleting hair spary it took to achieve that look. I myself have never been one to be fussy about my hair, and I don't like doing anything too trendy with it, in fear of looking back at it years from now and smacking my forehead in a "what was I thinking?!" sort of way.
I am quite aware that it is one of those nights where girls like to go all out with their outfit/hair/make-up, but celebrities are a pretty good place to find inspiration, for a non-processed look.
For example I think I'm going to go for this for formal:

It's natural, it's cute, it looks fairly easy to do and it's something different than what I'd usually do with my hair. My theory is that if I put my hair it up, it will be falling out by the end of the night, and if I leave my hair down, I can easily put it up in a messy ponytail or bun later on. Please don't kill me for saying that though...
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