I am finally going to get my haircut! I called and made the appointment myself! I'm a big girl now.
*Note-this is a pretty huge deal for me considering my silly phone fear. I'm an awkward, nervous, irrational person. But hey one baby step at a time.

This is the before taken on my crappy Mac webcam as my sister and her lovely lovely camera are in the Dominican Republic. So after my haircut on Sunday at 11:30 with junior stylist Stephanie, I will post part two of my haircut saga... how interesting for you...
You have really nice hair, but getting it all chopped off can be quite liberating. It certainly was for me!
I've been wanting to do it pixie short like you for awhile, but I'm too much of a chicken. I like to do my hair up a lot, so I'd probably get annoyed with really short hair really quickly.
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