Sunday, September 27, 2009
Move forward
I love this blog, but I realized that talking only about clothes/fashion was not my strong point so come check out my new blog Everything in Slow Motion. Fun to be had by all.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Jacket Weather

I know that some people are dreading the end of summer. Although I love autumn, I admit that I'm not looking forward to not being able to take a nice walk around my new neighbourhood.
But there are reasons to look forward to the slow drop in temperature.
a) You don't have to shave your legs as often.
I tend to toe the line between feminine and tomboyish dressing. I love dresses but I also have surmised that my leg hair douses itself in Miracle-Gro when I'm not looking. When the air gets cooler, I can throw on tights without sweating myself into an oblivion.
b) Cute sweaters.
I've always been of the opinion that the less skin you show the more sexy you look. At least of myself in general. It's a talent to look hot while wearing a turtleneck. I mean just look at Marilyn Monroe, granted she did show off the goods a lot, she could still rock sweater puppies like no other.
c) No more flip-flops/sandals.
I don't like flip flops. They break easily, cause annoying blisters, and produce weird tan lines. In their stead I wear sandals, but they have buckles and are annoying to get on and off. I'm excited for closed toe shoes and boots. Not that I don't wear them already, it's just necessary when it gets colder.
d) Odds and ends: scarves, hats, gloves and jackets.
I love to spice up outfits with these, and like closed toe shoes, they're a necessity.
C'mon, admit it. Autumn rocks.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Pack Rat
I've realized in packing to move back to Toronto [tomorrow] that although I want to bring all my clothes [and have come very close], I just can't bring everything.
Well maybe I can. I've separated certain stuff between summer and winter. Anything that is best meant for colder months such as thick sweaters can sit at home until it's needed. Summer stuff like blouses and shorts I can bring along and trade off around Thanksgiving.
In the meantime, to get the most out of hauling all my closet down to Toronto I'm going to do my best to wear all the summer-y stuff while I still can. Even though the weather can't decide between chilly/rainy and humid/sunny. It's a delicate balancing act.
Things I'm excited for:
-Moving into a house where I'll be interacting with people on a constant basis [compared to my dorm room last year, this will be paradise for my socially inept self]
-Starting fresh at a new school
-Fall! My favourite season
I'll leave you with this because it makes me giggle like a school girl.

Friday, August 21, 2009
I don't belong in Top Gun, but I feel like a maverick

These are probably the best sunglasses I've ever owned. I wear them and feel like a badass. That should be my personal fashion philosophy. Forget feeling comfortable. My confidence is proportional to how badass I feel.

My personal badass playlist:
"Dirge" - Death in Vegas
"Turn it On" - Franz Ferdinand
"22" - Magneta Lane
"Boys Wanna Be Her" - Peaches
"Kind of Beast" - Spiral Beach
"6 Underground" - Sneaker Pimps
"We Want More" - Bangs
"Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground" - The White Stripes
"Cannonball" - The Breeders
"Kiss Kiss" - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
"Fuck the Pain Away" - Peaches
Walk around and feel invincible. Karen O and Peaches would do the same.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Black Lips
Yes, I am a Gossip Girl addict. I admit it. The show is like crack. On the plus side it's stimulating to watch in terms of fashion. [Except for Taylor Momsen's character Jenny. I don't buy the whole punk rock thing. She just looks like a hobo with too much eye shadow and a glammed out mullet, that does not a Joan Jett make].

Well it seems that it's not just the show that showcases eye candy. This shot from Vogue Korea is sexy without having to show off a lot of skin. I wish I could pull off shiny black lips without looking like a goth clown.
*sigh* I need to cultivate my inner vixen
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Going out?
I'm currently writing this as I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up to go out. Out as in party whatever. I'm kind of an anxious and excitable person and this tends to be most evident when I get ready to go "out". I'm the loser that gets ready like two hours before I need to be. I suppose there's nothing wrong with this as I don't really know when they're coming to get me. It's better to be ready than rushing. I've tried to be nonchalant about stuff like this, but I get too frazzled and can't keep still. It's kind of pathetic.
Anyway the point of this rant was that in my ensuing preparations, I have come to two conclusions.
1) Perfume is not my thing
2) I have no adequate bottoms for going out.
I'm wearing jean short shorts because it's either an all-black ensemble with a black skirt or a purple corduroy skirt that has seen better days. Or pants, but I shaved my legs goddamnit and I want that to be for nought.
I've never been much of a "going out" person, so I never had to supplement my wardrobe with the items you usually see on girls in these situations. Maybe that's for the best.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
It's not about love
New jacket

New dress

And a new hairstyle as of tomorrow

I admit I love the long hair, but it's becoming almost unmanageable. Of course it looks awesome the day before a haircut. Every time!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I don't know how I feel about this.
I guess I technically bought this dress after seeing Twilight, but it was not in direct relation to having seen it in Twilight.

I'm just saying....
Saturday, June 6, 2009
In the Morning
I've realized it would probably be advantageous to me to get a hair cut. Just from looking at the pictures from my previous post, my hair just looks blah.
Although I'd like it to look like this [and it sometimes does]:

I'd like something along the lines of these:

A pseudo-bob, that's below my chin, slightly longer in the front. Maybe asymmetrical. Side swept bangs... then we're in business.
Audrey Tautou,
Kristen Stewart,
Michelle Williams,
Winona Ryder
Friday, June 5, 2009
Everything in Slow Motion
On Monday I start my summer of manual labour, which doesn't leave much room for wearing nice clothes. Just steel toed shoes and long pants. Opa!
Which means I have to make the most of the days I have off.
Unfortunately I've become a bit of a jeans and t-shirt girl. Well become is not the right word. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl. Partly because I own a lot of jeans and t-shirts and especially because I just finished my first year of university and jeans are an easy thing to throw on [and I have more class than to throw on sweats. Seriously people I saw a girl in a pretty top and baggy grey sweatpants. Step it up!]
See this is what I wore today:

Here are some dresses and a top I wouldn't mind dusting off:
Kenzie Girl

Pink Martini Collection


Urban Outfitters

Forever 21 Top, Charlotte Russe Bottoms

These sorta dressy outfits were greatly improved with the addition of the vest... in my opinion

Sorry for the out of focus pictures, which I didn't notice until they were loaded on my computer and I'm too lazy to re-do them. I also need a better camera.
In the meantime new shoes:

Opinions? Criticisms? Advice? All greatly appreciated, as long as it's constructive.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Trends I wish would just go away...

Classic black Ray bans are exactly that. Classic. When they first came out with the coloured frames it wasn't so bad. They looked really cool on some people. However now every girl and their mother has a pair of these sunglasses and they keep getting more and more ridiculous. Paint splattered frames. Neon. What next? Just give it a rest please.

In the winter, yes hats are a necessity, but these slouchy beanies have started to become ubiquitous with twenty somethings trying to hide their bad hair day. They're also a good example of a fussy accessory as, from experience, I've found it very difficult to keep one of these in place.
Hopefully we'll get a break from these, but I guess we'll see...
Monday, May 18, 2009
Summer Hair
Okay fuck it.
I'm going to get my haircut short soon. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but soon.

Michelle Williams from The Baxter.
Except without the bangs because I think they would look goofy on me.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Movie Character Outfit Re-Creations II
Olivia Newton John as Sandy Olsson in Grease

American Apparel Version

Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Victorian Age
The dress I bought for myself for my birthday from Kensington Market.

I can't remember the store name, but the tag says it's from the Pink Martini collection. The sash is technically a creme colour but you can't tell from this photo. It's kind of sheer so I need some good undergarments for it. For the most part it is gorgeous.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I keep reading articles and blogs that go on and on about spring trends and figuring out your wardrobe and I'm getting a little bored with it. A lot of it is "pick one colour or colour palette and base your wardrobe around that" and basic wardrobe defining. That's boring. The idea of picking one colour to base your wardrobe around is too stifling for me.
This summer I really want to work with my wardrobe and wear everything. Mix and match things and reconstruct things that I can't integrate otherwise. I don't like thinking that I need need need "wardrobe staples" to have the perfect wardrobe and if I just buy that one thing my wardrobe will be complete. Ha! Unlikely. I've certainly tried, it's not that simple.
All I know is that I want to look put together and preferably not boring.
In the meantime, I think I would like to invest in some things that I feel could be useful to my wardrobe.

I like the idea of versatility. More bang for your buck. Choosing a colour is kind of hard though, because again I'm practical. I don't want to pick a colour that's too ridiculous, nor do I want to pick one that is especially boring. I like the navy, but the forest could be interesting as well. I guess I'll have to see it in person.
I'll let you know how this summer project goes.
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