So as promised, a post about my friend Emily and her extensive hat collection. [Which I'm super jealous about, because I can't pull off hats nearly as well as she can]
January 2006: I made this hat for her two years ago, and it's an amazing purple colour that doesn't really photograph well.
August 2006: One of her most popular hats, but she wore it out in the snow and it doesn't really fit anymore. She has found a replacement but no pictures.

Summer 2006: Denny's night when we still had to wear crazy hats, and where syrup shots were common.

February 2007: Probably Emily's most popular hat. There are more pictures of this hat than any other. Which made picking a picture to show off very difficult. I think this speaks for itself.

March 2007: E is for Emily. I love this hat on her. It works with the tie you can't see. Although I haven't seen much of it since, the photo shoot with it was pretty darn cool.

May 2007: Happy Birthday to Emily. A hat and tie from Lauren. Unfortunately this is the only photo of it.

August 2007: The thrifted Vietnam[?] army beret, that you'll probably have to click to enlarge to get a better view. C'mon it's pretty sweet right?

October 2007: Montreal. A hat you've already seen, but still cool. She likes the classic styles.

1 comment:
I wish i could pull of hats... your friend Emily has a great collection
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