Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ohh la la indeed

Look ma! I D.I.Y.ed


Sunday, June 7, 2009

I don't know how I feel about this.

I guess I technically bought this dress after seeing Twilight, but it was not in direct relation to having seen it in Twilight.
I'm just saying....

Saturday, June 6, 2009

In the Morning

I've realized it would probably be advantageous to me to get a hair cut. Just from looking at the pictures from my previous post, my hair just looks blah.

Although I'd like it to look like this [and it sometimes does]:

I'd like something along the lines of these:
A pseudo-bob, that's below my chin, slightly longer in the front. Maybe asymmetrical. Side swept bangs... then we're in business.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Everything in Slow Motion

On Monday I start my summer of manual labour, which doesn't leave much room for wearing nice clothes. Just steel toed shoes and long pants. Opa!

Which means I have to make the most of the days I have off.

Unfortunately I've become a bit of a jeans and t-shirt girl. Well become is not the right word. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl. Partly because I own a lot of jeans and t-shirts and especially because I just finished my first year of university and jeans are an easy thing to throw on [and I have more class than to throw on sweats. Seriously people I saw a girl in a pretty top and baggy grey sweatpants. Step it up!]

See this is what I wore today:

Here are some dresses and a top I wouldn't mind dusting off:
Kenzie Girl
Pink Martini Collection
Urban Outfitters
Forever 21 Top, Charlotte Russe Bottoms
These sorta dressy outfits were greatly improved with the addition of the vest... in my opinion

Sorry for the out of focus pictures, which I didn't notice until they were loaded on my computer and I'm too lazy to re-do them. I also need a better camera.

In the meantime new shoes:
Opinions? Criticisms? Advice? All greatly appreciated, as long as it's constructive.