Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Spring in My Step


Optical White?

Something neutral that will go with everything. The white would probably be the best. I don't care about getting them dirty.

Friday, March 28, 2008

"You mean... Leather Daddy?"

This be the cream faux leather jacket that I can't find anything to wear with. It has too many zippers, and I feel it's too "dressy" to wear casually. Or perhaps I'm just not confident enough to pull it off. 

What say you?

*note That title is going to come up in some weird search engines. 

Thursday, March 27, 2008

"I'm looking for something that says 'Dad likes leather'"

I don't know what it is, but I'm growing a particular fondness for leather jackets. 

There is something so effortlessly cool about them. And you don't necessarily have to be a tattooed biker chick to wear one. 

I completely regret getting a cream one last year, because I was afraid that my boyfriend (who had recently procured a motorcycle at the time, but it is currently rotting in his driveway) would get the wrong idea if I bought a black one. *sad*

And here is a linkity link to a song, courtesy of my friend Alie of the blog Entertaining Lions

Sunday, March 16, 2008


I just allowed anonymous posting, because I completely forgot that you could allow/not allow them. Now all you people who have wanted to comment *cough* GillianLaurenAlie*cough cough* you can! But you might want to post your name at the bottom. 

Chop Chop Part 2

This feels so much better.  The woman behind the counter said I was brave for cutting it all off. Umm I suppose. My hair is so thick, this is just more practical.

Now I have to see what it looks like after I wash it for the first time. 

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chop Chop Part 1

I am finally going to get my haircut! I called and made the appointment myself! I'm a big girl now. 
*Note-this is a pretty huge deal for me considering my silly phone fear. I'm an awkward, nervous, irrational person. But hey one baby step at a time.
This is the before taken on my crappy Mac webcam as my sister and her lovely lovely camera are in the Dominican Republic. So after my haircut on Sunday at 11:30 with junior stylist Stephanie, I will post part two of my haircut saga... how interesting for you...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

"I love my little circus freak"

I am currently watching my first episode of Gilmore Girls in a very long time. [ah the joys of laptops]. 
I love this show for it's ability to make it seem like autumn all year round. There could be snow all over the ground and I'll still sigh and go "faaalll". Perhaps I'm just naive about New England towns. I feel the same way when I watch Joan of Arcadia and Fast Times at Ridgemont High. 
It's too bad the seventh season was so crappy. 

In theory I was a Gilmore dabbler. I  have friends who were really into it, so we usually watched some of it at sleepovers and cottages. 

Let's just say Dean is a loser, as is Logan [a name which should only be reserved for men with claws a la Wolverine]. I do have a soft spot for Jess, however Milo Ventimialgdh... at this moment is a different story. 

And to keep this fashion related, the clothes are great, but I didn't like the short 'do Rory sported in the fourth season. Do people really do that short hair thing in college like Felicity? How lame. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Emily and her hats: a retrospective

So as promised, a post about my friend Emily and her extensive hat collection. [Which I'm super jealous about, because I can't pull off hats nearly as well as she can]

January 2006: I made this hat for her two years ago, and it's an amazing purple colour that doesn't really photograph well. 

August 2006: One of her most popular hats, but she wore it out in the snow and it doesn't really fit anymore. She has found a replacement but no pictures. 

Summer 2006: Denny's night when we still had to wear crazy hats, and where syrup shots were common. 

February 2007: Probably Emily's most popular hat. There are more pictures of this hat than any other. Which made picking a picture to show off very difficult. I think this speaks for itself. 

March 2007: E is for Emily. I love this hat on her. It works with the tie you can't see. Although I haven't seen much of it since, the photo shoot with it was pretty darn cool.

May 2007: Happy Birthday to Emily. A hat and tie from Lauren. Unfortunately this is the only photo of it.

August 2007: The thrifted Vietnam[?] army beret, that you'll probably have to click to enlarge to get a better view. C'mon it's pretty sweet right? 

October 2007: Montreal. A hat you've already seen, but still cool. She likes the classic styles. 

June 2007: I threw this one in because it's still a hat photo, and she wore it for longer because it was a hat and she could. Ignore my gross lookingness. 

May 2007: It's Emily the bigoted lizard. [A bigot for Stephen Colbert if you read the text inside]

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"It's raining dead birds!"

I recently got a job at my local Loeb as a deli girl, and I'm guessing they either really like me, or I have the most promise, because they keep giving me lots of shifts. More shifts then the other two new employees. 

The uniform is hella large on me, but I'm tiny so I don't think I can do anything about that. I also haven't been paid yet, which is annoying the shit out of me. I want to buy pretty I mean save money. I should be getting a big, fat pay cheque on Thursday though. And if I don't, there will be hell to pay.

Anyway, that's my lame excuse for not posting in awhile. On to other things. If more people then Lauren, Gillian and Alie actually read this, I'd like to know if you watch Pushing Daisies?
If you, tragically, have not it's about this guy:

Ned (played by Lee Pace) can bring people back from the dead with his touch. But if he keeps them alive for longer than a minute, someone else has to die. 
He uses his powers in conjunction with a Private Detective, Emerson Cod, to find out how murder victims were killed, and then collect the reward. 

Unfortunately, his childhood sweetheart is killed onboard a cruise ship, and he decides to keep her alive, but they can't touch or else she will be dead again, forever. 
Lonely Tourist Charlotte Charles, a.k.a. Chuck (Anna Friel)
Pushing Daisies is very whimsical, the murder victims can be burned to a crisp, or run over, and they'd still have perfect teeth and eyes. The sets are painted in bright colours, with odd set decorations like cherry light fixtures. Ned is a pie maker with his very own pie shop with a "quaint", pie crust roof on the outside.
The time period is hard to gauge. They drive classic cars and the girls wear vintage looking clothes, but they have modern TVs and reference the internet (even if you rarely see a computer).
However my main topic of interest is the clothes of course. 
I'm really into classic clothes. I think movies have brainwashed me into thin
king that the 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s, had great clothes (or perhaps they did, I wouldn't really know) because I can't help but gush at vintage silhouettes from those eras. 
And Pushing Daisies is really into that classic time period. 
Since Chuck is supposed to be dead, she has to wear some cool disguises, like big sunglasses, and hats when she visits the morgue and whatnot. There was also this really pretty yellow coat that I couldn't find a picture of. *sigh* Also the blonde girl in the fifth picture is Olive Snook (Kristen Chenoweth), a worker at the Pie Hole, who is in love with Ned. 

Unfortunately only 9 episodes were made before the Writer's Strike, and we're not going to get any new episodes until fall. *double sigh*

Here's one last parting shot, of the kids who play Young Ned, and Young Chuck.