Friday, February 1, 2008


I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but I am a knitter. 

Now don't be all "gasp" and "aww" and "Isn't that a grandmother thing?" 

It's not. 

I find it relaxing, and you can usually find some pretty stylish patterns. At the moment most of my bookmarked patterns are on my other computer, but a personal favourite website of mine is It's updated seasonally with about 20 or 25 new patterns. It's kind of like Christmas when it's updated. 

Anyway, I digress. The point is that I really like the slouchy hat look, but a) I could never find the right hat and b) what's the point of paying hard earned cash mon
ey for a hat when I can make one. 

Unfortunately, I did not like the look at first. There are two categories of girls: ones who can wear hats and others who can't. I'm in the latter category, because when I see myself in them sometimes I feel like a doofus. 

However, today in my infinite boredom, I decided to give the hat a second chance. And hey it didn't look too bad. 

So what is your opinion? 

Yay or Nay?

1 comment:

Liz said...

yay. I like the hat.

Hi! I don't know you, but I stumbled upon your blog the other day when searching for a picture of Paulie Bleeker from Juno. And you seem really cool/ eerily similar to myself (18, spends too much time thinking about clothes esp. t-shirts, likes to knit...). and I just got high fidelity (the book) for my birthday. I will read it as soon as I finish About a Boy.
So, hello new friend! I hope I don't come across as creepy/stalkerish by randomly commenting on your blog.