Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Brr it's cold in here

Finally! Finally some cold weather. I bet some of you are scoffing right now, and as much as I enjoy summer, I like my autumn weather. It means I can break out cute jackets and toques.

Especially my lavender beret I recently bought at Value Village.
Unfortunately no pictures as my camera is still broken-ish, but I am just thinking of the endless outfit possibilities.

Makes me want to get a jacket like this, even though I kind of hate swing jackets.

In other news I am going to Montreal next week for the very last Film Society trip. My friends and I plan to hit up the usual places like Urban Outfitters,possibly H+M if we can find one and of course American Apparel.

Wishlist: The black t-shirt and the black t-dress which I have raved about too many times than I care to admit as well as this new add-on.
I'm a sucker for the boat neck. Collarbones and shoulders are sexy damnit!
I promise my next post will have no mention of AA. I swear.

P.S. Got my blonde wig for the Edie costume, except it's a bob with bangs and looks really weird on me. It's not Edie at all so I'm going to lend it to my friend Gillian who is going as Margot Tenenbaum. Man, I love that movie.

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