Saturday, December 1, 2007

Of boatnecks and black T dresses

Finally received the American Apparel clothes I ordered through a friend of a friend, which included the infamous black T dress that I blather endlessly about. Frankly, it's amazing despite the pillowcase-y-ness and raw hem. [Actually I like how loose it is around the middle, if it was more form fitting, it would probably err on the side of slutty.

I also got these shirts as well, except they look much better in person. Does anybody else think this new model just looks horribly bored and washed out?

I've also been watching a ridiculous amount of Reality Bites since I bought it like three weeks ago. It's so good, but I think it's because I think Winona Ryder was really cool before her shoplifting ways, although I still think she's cool.

And her clothing isn't terrible for 1994, except for the odd vest and pants that are way too short for her.

Lastly I'll end with a video that features some really cute, nerdy [meant int the best possible way] guys and girls performing a lip dub to Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger. An awesome song by the way.

and another cute video I love...

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